once in the dream world There was a devil beside me and he said different words on the subject And These issues were material And if I were paying attention to a subject, he would tell that story I would take these things And throw it away one topic was Mother's Day I also threw it away Until the devil became angry And he pulled me down on the bed Then I saw that I was not moving on the bed

At the first work I had a weak spirit And in the dream world It happened many times That I can't shake a bit or talk They turned me around

It happened many times That moment when I fall asleep They woke me up with a shock

when I had to wake up I saw the devil who imagined the spider web


آدرس سایت اصلیMain site address


تمرکز از طریق کلمات Focus through words

شاخص سلامت روحspirit health index

احضار روحAppearance of sprite

i ,the ,and ,a ,devil ,it ,on the ,the devil ,and he ,many times ,i saw



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